rekindle your spark with your partner and enjoy Your Marriage again

(...even while being busy with life, work, and raising kids!)

This course allows you to receive guidance from a licensed therapist without having to go to a therapist's office. It was designed to be concise and efficient, allowing you to make meaningful progress without a significant time commitment.

You CAN have a fun sex life again!

(...even while being busy with life,
work, and raising kids!)

The course is designed to be concise and efficient, allowing you to make meaningful progress without a significant time commitment.

You’ve grown a beautiful family with a partner you love and respect…

…and you’re living a FULL life of work, parenting, and as much fun as you can fit in, too.

The only issue is: you’re EXHAUSTED.

Despite loving the full life you’ve created, it hasn’t come without its costs…

…and the biggest toll it’s taken?

Your marriage.

Tending to the connection you have with your partner always seems to come in last place…

…because it always feels like the needs of your kids, your work, and the daily chores around the house just can’t wait.

And when ALL of those other things are finally done (or at least in a place where they’re ok for now)...

…you’ve got absolutely nothing left to give your partner.

All you want to do is sink into the couch and watch some TV…

…or drink a glass of wine and forget about the day.

And somehow, night after night, it seems like too much work to have a meaningful conversation with your partner…

…or do something fun together…

…or even (gasp!) have sex.

Ugh, SEX.

You’re at a stage in your relationship where intimacy feels like a distant memory (or just another chore you have to do)…

…and it boggles your mind that it used to be something you once loved.

You remember the days — or years — of your relationship when sex was fun and an actual priority…

…and it makes you sad to think about how much freer and more connected you and your partner were back then.

You wish you knew how to rebuild that connection and even regain the desire for intimacy that you once used to have…

…but without the guidance or tools to help you know how to do that, you keep going through the motions, getting through your to-do lists as best you can — while feeling disconnected, lonely, unsatisfied, and alone.

You are worthy of experiencing a fulfilling and intimate sex life.

I get it. Even though you and your spouse have full schedules, you still want to have a sex life.

You want to feel wanted. You want to feel passion.

… yet the intimacy and spark that was once there now feel distant.

The whirlwind of responsibilities and demands of daily life have taken a toll on your marriage. 

…it boggles your mind that it used to be something you both once loved.

You remember when sex was fun and an actual priority…

…and it makes you sad to think about how much freer and more connected you and your partner were back then.

You wish you knew how to rebuild that connection and even regain the desire for intimacy that you once used to have…

…but without the guidance or tools to help you know how to do that, you keep going through the motions, getting through your to-do lists as best you can — while feeling disconnected, lonely, unsatisfied, and alone.

Hear this:
you’re not alone.

Hear this: you’re not alone.

Putting intimacy on the back burner is so very common for couples who are in the thick of raising kids, navigating their careers, and tackling all of the daily life tasks that never seem to end!

There is only so much time in the day — and when something’s gotta give, it’s very often sex.

Let that connection slide for long enough — weeks, months, or even years — and you can very easily become disconnected from your partner and completely disinterested in rebuilding your intimate relationship.

Because, above anything else, it feels like more WORK…

…and when you’re already exhausted and overwhelmed, the last thing you want is one more chore, right?!

Putting intimacy on the back burner is so very common for couples who are in the thick of raising kids, navigating their careers, and tackling all of the daily life tasks that never seem to end!

There is only so much time in the day — and when something’s gotta give, it’s very often sex.

Let that connection slide for long enough — weeks, months, or even years — and you can very easily become disconnected from your partner and completely disinterested in rebuilding your intimate relationship.

Because, above anything else, it feels like more WORK…

…and when you’re already exhausted and overwhelmed, the last thing you want is one more chore, right?!

If both of you are even slightly open to it, it can actually be an eye-opening, energizing, and FUN experience that can be pretty straightforward.

All that’s required is open communication and and an understanding of a few key things:

What kind of intimate life and connective relationship you want to create, together

The keys to creating emotional intimacy

The barriers that are stopping you from creating that intimacy

Knowing how to talk about what you need and want in your sex life

When you are willing and open to communicating with each other and reflecting on what you truly want and need…

…AND you understand how to create deep emotional intimacy…

…you can rebuild the sexual and emotional connection you’ve been longing for with your partner.

All that’s required is open communication and and an understanding of a few key things:

What kind of intimate life and connective relationship you want to create, together

The keys to creating emotional intimacy

The barriers that are stopping you from creating that intimacy

Knowing how to talk to your spouse about what you need and want in your sex life

When you are willing and open to communicating with each other and reflecting on what you truly want and need, you can rebuild the sexual and emotional connection you’ve been longing for with your partner.

The good news is…
…there’s now a program that can teach you exactly how to begin rebuilding a deep connection with your partner — all in a safe and gentle way.

It’s a program that will teach you how to:

Envision the future you want to create for your intimate relationship

Reconnect on an emotional level again and create deep intimacy with one another

Identify and overcome the common barriers that get in the way of connecting deeply

Get comfortable talking about sex and asking for what you need and desire

It’s also a program developed by an expert with over 15 years experience helping couples rebuild their intimate relationship. that will help you rediscover your partner — and your partnership — so that you know exactly how to create a relationship with more connection, intimacy, and lively sex for BOTH of you!

I know it may seem hard to believe (maybe even impossible) that you can breathe fresh and fun life into your intimate life again — especially if your spark has been dull or dead for quite some time.

But not only do I know it’s possible, it’s very DOABLE, too.

I know this is true because I’ve done it myself in my own decades-long marriage and helped countless clients do the same.

Now, I can’t wait to help YOU.

The good news is…

…there’s now a program that can teach you exactly how to begin rebuilding a deep connection with your partner — all in a safe and gentle way.

It’s a discreet, self-paced program that will teach you how to:

Envision the future you want to create for your intimate relationship

Reconnect on an emotional level again and create deep intimacy with one another

Identify and overcome the common barriers that get in the way of connecting deeply

Get comfortable talking about sex and asking for what you need and desire

It’s also a program developed by an expert with over 15 years experience helping couples rebuild their intimate relationship that will help you rediscover your partner — so you know exactly how to create a relationship with more connection, intimacy, and lively sex for BOTH of you!

I know it may seem hard to believe (maybe even impossible) that you can breathe fresh and fun life into your intimate life again — especially if your spark has been dull or dead for quite some time.

But not only do I know it’s possible, it’s very DOABLE, too!

I know this is true because I’ve done it myself in my own decades-long marriage and helped countless clients do the same.

And it can work for YOU, too!


I’m Stephanie Flood.

I’m a licensed marriage and family therapist and the founder of Los Gatos Sex Therapy, a private practice that specializes in intimacy issues.

For the last 15 years, I’ve worked with couples on all kinds of things related to sex and intimacy, including mismatched desire levels, lack of communication around their sexual issues and infideltiy.

My passion for helping others came from my upbringing. I was raised in very conservative household and got some really mixed messages about sex, relationships, and love growing up. I was also a firm believer in the “happily ever after” myth.

I married my highschool sweetheart and for almost 28 years we’ve had a very happy marriage, and have added four crazy and amazing kids to our family.

Being in a decades-long marriage — and having four kids within five years — definitely comes with its fair share of struggles, and my husband and I are no stranger to them.

We know firsthand how hard it can be to keep the spark alive when there is SO MUCH LIFE going on all around you.

There’s work, kids, household responsibilities, family, friends, and a million other things to schedule and take care of — and it can be so easy to let sex fade away…

…even when your love for your spouse or partner is still very much there.

But remember that there once was a time that you actually ENJOYED sex?

Chances are it was earlier in life before all of the to-do lists came into play, before kids, and before everything in life just became too much.

Not matter what made your desire dwindle, the fact remains that your desire for sex was there.

The great news is that it CAN come back! You CAN reclaim your connection with your partner, build deep emotional and sexual intimacy, and have a lively sex life that is enjoyable, fun, and HOT.

Seriously, you can!

My mission now is to help as many women — and couples — as I can achieve what I’ve seen so many of the clients in my private practice achieve: a deeply satisfying connection with their partners and a sex life that they not only love, but have designed.

If you’re ready to deepen the connection with your partner and enjoy sex again, then I can’t wait to show you how.


I’m Stephanie Flood.

I’m a licensed marriage and family therapist and the founder of A Flood of Love Therapy, a private practice that specializes in intimacy issues.

For the last 15 years, I’ve worked with couples on all kinds of things related to sex and intimacy, including mismatched desire levels, lack of communication around their sexual issues and infidelity.

My passion for helping others came from my upbringing. I was raised in very conservative household and got some really mixed messages about sex, relationships, and love growing up. I was also a firm believer in the “happily ever after” myth.

I married my highschool sweetheart and for almost 28 years we’ve had a very happy marriage, and have added four crazy and amazing kids to our family.

Being in a decades-long marriage — and having four kids within five years — definitely comes with its fair share of struggles, and my husband and I are no stranger to them.

We know firsthand how hard it can be to keep the spark alive when there is SO MUCH LIFE going on all around you.

There’s work, kids, household responsibilities, family, friends, and a million other things to schedule and take care of — and it can be so easy to let sex fade away…

…even when your love for your spouse or partner is still very much there.
But remember there once was a time that you actually ENJOYED sex?

Chances are it was earlier in life before all of the to-do lists came into play, before kids, and before everything in life just became too much.

Not matter what made your desire dwindle, the fact remains that your desire for sex WAS there.

The great news is that it CAN come back! You CAN reclaim your connection with your partner, build deep emotional and sexual intimacy, and have a lively sex life that is enjoyable, fun, and HOT.

Seriously, you can!

My mission now is to help as many women — and couples — as I can achieve what I’ve seen so many of the clients in my private practice achieve: a deeply satisfying connection with their partners and a sex life that they not only love, but have designed.

If you’re ready to deepen the connection with your partner and enjoy sex again, then I can’t wait to show you how.


A Flood of Love:

Rekindling Intimacy and Becoming Connected Again

A Flood of Love is a 6-module online experience that will teach you the key steps to rediscovering your partner — and your partnership — so that you can reignite the spark of desire in your relationship, become connected again, and reclaim a lively sex life.


A Flood of Love:

Rekindling Intimacy and Becoming Connected Again

A Flood of Love is a 6-module online experience that will discreetly teach you the key steps to rediscovering your partner — and your partnership — so you can reignite the spark of desire in your relationship, become connected again, and reclaim a lively sex life.

As part of A Flood of Love, you’ll receive:

6 Learning Modules

That will lead step-by-step through the crucial steps you can take to rebuild your connection and your sexual relationship

10 Proven Tools

To help you dig deeper into what you're learning in the course and to help you implement what you're learning into your life

Program Breakdown

Here’s what they’ll learn and explore in each module of 

A Flood of Love: Rekindling Intimacy and Becoming Connected Again…

Module One: An Overview of A Flood of Love and Your Sex History

We’ll kick off the course with an overview of the fundamental steps you’ll learn in A Flood of Love. You’ll meet Stephanie and hear her interesting story about love and intimacy, and then you’ll spend time reflecting on your own sex history — and learn your history can support the work you’re about to do to rebuild your sexual and emotional connection.

In this module we’ll use the following tools:

  • Sex History Assessment that will help you reflect on your own sex history so that you can make a more informed vision for the sexual relationship you want to create now

  • Sex Present Assessment that includes reflective questions that will help you identify where your sex life is — or isn’t — right now

Module One: An Overview of A Flood of Love and Your Sex History

We’ll kick off the course with an overview of the fundamental steps you’ll learn in A Flood of Love. You’ll meet Stephanie and hear her interesting story about love and intimacy, and then you’ll spend time reflecting on your own sex history — and learn your history can support the work you’re about to do to rebuild your sexual and emotional connection.

In this module we’ll use the following tools:

  • Sex History Assessment that will help you reflect on your own sex history so that you can make a more informed vision for the sexual relationship you want to create now

  • Sex Present Assessment that includes reflective questions that will help you identify where your sex life is — or isn’t — right now

Module Two: What Do We Want Now?

In Module Two, we’ll explore what kind of sex life you want to create for yourself and your partner now. We’ll focus on beginning with the end in mind so that you know where you’re going and exactly what you want to create. You’ll envision the future and identify what you want for yourself, for your partner, and for you both as a couple. You’ll also go back into the past and reflect on the times your sex life was good, WHY it was good, and what you’re willing to do to make it good again.

In this module we’ll use the following tools:

  • Our Sexual Past and Future Reflection Exercise

    that includes reflective questions that will help you go back into the past as well as envision what you want for the future, individually and together

Module Two: What Do We Want Now?

In Module Two, we’ll explore what kind of sex life you want to create for yourself and your partner now. We’ll focus on beginning with the end in mind so you know where you’re going and exactly what you want to create. You’ll envision the future and identify what you want for yourself, for your partner, and for you both as a couple. You’ll also go back into the past and reflect on the times your sex life was good, WHY it was good, and what you’re willing to do to make it good again.

In this module we’ll use the following tools:

  • Our Sexual Past and Future Reflection Exercise that includes reflective questions that will help you go back into the past as well as envision what you want for the future, individually and together

Module Three: Keys to Intimacy

In Module Three, we’ll explore intimacy and how you and your partner can connect with each other through your emotions, as well as WHY emotions are the key to connecting intimately again. You’ll learn the three keys to connecting emotionally, as well as the types of affection that men vs. women need. Finally, you’ll learn five things you can do to feel reconnected to your partner fast.

In this module we’ll use the following tools:

  • Points of Connection Exercise that includes questions that helps you identify what makes you — and your partner — fun and uniquely you, as well as what you love about them and how you like to show affection

Module Three: Keys to Intimacy

In Module Three, we’ll explore intimacy and how you and your partner can connect with each other through your emotions, as well as WHY emotions are the key to connecting intimately again. You’ll learn the three keys to connecting emotionally, as well as the types of affection men vs. women need. You'll also learn five things you can do to feel reconnected to your partner fast.

In this module we’ll use the following tools:

  • Points of Connection Exercise that includes questions that helps you identify what makes you — and your partner — fun and uniquely you, as well as what you love about them and how you like to show affection

Module Four: Barriers to Intimacy

In Module Four we’ll explore the things that can — and have been — getting in the way of your intimacy with your partner. We’ll discuss some common barriers, such as mindset and logistics, and then discuss various ways that you can overcome those barriers.

In this module we’ll use the following tools:

  • Typical Barriers Checklist that outlines the barriers you may be experiencing now or ones to be on the lookout for

  • Mindset Barriers vs. Connections Worksheet that will show you how you can shift your mindset barriers into avenues for connection

  • Weekly Logistics Worksheet that will help you create a game plan with your partner to overcome the weekly logistical barriers that keep you from connecting

Module Four: Barriers to Intimacy

In Module Four we’ll explore the things that can — and have been — getting in the way of your intimacy with your partner. We’ll discuss some common barriers, such as mindset and logistics, and then discuss various ways you can overcome those barriers.

In this module we’ll use the following tools:

  • Typical Barriers Checklist that outlines the barriers you may be experiencing now or ones to be on the lookout for

  • Mindset Barriers vs. Connections Worksheet that will show you how you can shift your mindset barriers into avenues for connection

  • Weekly Logistics Worksheet that will help you create a game plan with your partner to overcome the weekly logistical barriers that keep you from connecting

Module Five: Let’s Talk About Sex

In Module Five, we’ll discuss a critical component of connection and having a great sex life: the ability to TALK about it! You’ll learn how not talking about sex is just another barrier to many couples and their ability to find — and get — what they want sexually. You’ll also learn how to get comfortable talking about what you need and want in your sex life, and why being transparent can really uplevel your intimacy.

In this module we’ll use the following tools:

  • What I Want Worksheet that provides helpful questions that will help you identify what you want and desire sexually so that you can share it with your partner — and they can share their things with you

Module Five: Let’s Talk About Sex

In Module Five, we’ll discuss a critical component of connection and having a great sex life: the ability to TALK about it! You’ll learn how not talking about sex is just another barrier to many couples and their ability to find — and get — what they want sexually. You’ll also learn how to get comfortable talking about what you need and want in your sex life, and why being transparent can really uplevel your intimacy.

In this module we’ll use the following tools:

  • What I Want Worksheet that provides helpful questions that will help you identify what you want and desire sexually so that you can share it with your partner — and they can share their things with you

Module Six: Our New Sex Story

In our final module, you’ll redefine what you want for your sex life together. You’ll learn how to move beyond what you THINK sex should be and get really clear on what you both really want it to be, together. Finally, you’ll co-create a game plan for a more intimate future together, including what you’re committing to and how you’ll get back on track if disconnection happens in the future.

In this module we’ll use the following tools:

  • Game Plan and Commitments Worksheet that will help you co-create a plan for your more intimate future

  • Post-Course Assessment that will help you reflect on what you learned in the course and how this new learning will impact your relationship and sex life

Module Six: Our New Sex Story

In our final module, you’ll redefine what you want for your sex life together. You’ll learn how to move beyond what you THINK sex should be and get really clear on what you both really want it to be, together. Finally, you’ll co-create a game plan for a more intimate future together, including what you’re committing to and how you’ll get back on track if disconnection happens in the future.

In this module we’ll use the following tools:

  • Game Plan and Commitments Worksheet that will help you co-create a plan for your more intimate future

  • Post-Course Assessment that will help you reflect on what you learned in the course and how this new learning will impact your relationship and sex life

A Flood of Love: Rekindling Intimacy and Becoming Connected Again is already PACKED with value that will help you and your partner reignite your spark for each other and for sex, but when you join now they’ll also receive the following BONUSES…


 5 Simple Steps to Intimacy today! 

Quick and easy ways to connect daily! 

Whew — that’s a lot of value!Need a recap?

Here’s everything included in A Flood of Love:

Ready to feel connected to your partner and eager to have sex again?

No matter what package you purchase, your experience starts immediately once you click the “Join Now” button below, where you’ll be taken to our secure checkout. When you register, you’ll receive an email confirming your registration, as well as instructions on how to access your learning portal. If you have questions along the way, our team is here to help you get access to the content and ensure you get the most out of the program!

A Flood of Love


You’ll receive:

  • 6 Recorded video modules, delivered weekly

  • 10 Tools

  • Value-packed bonus

  • Q&A videos that allow you to submit your questions and get recorded answers from Stephanie


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Or four monthly payments of


100% Safe and Secure Checkout.

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Ready to feel connected to your partner and eager to have sex again?

No matter what package you purchase, your experience starts immediately once you click the “Join Now” button below, where you’ll be taken to our secure checkout. When you register, you’ll receive an email confirming your registration, as well as instructions on how to access your learning portal. If you have questions along the way, our team is here to help you get access to the content and ensure you get the most out of the program!

A Flood of Love


You’ll receive:

  • 6 Recorded video modules, delivered weekly plus tools to implement each module

  • Value-packed mini-course bonus, 5 Ways to Add Intimacy Into Your Relationship

  • Q&A videos that allow you to submit your questions and get recorded answers from Stephanie

One payment of


Or four monthly payments of


100% Safe and Secure Checkout

Payment processed through secure gateway networks

What students have to say about this experience...

Steph saved our marriage! She gave us clear instructions on how to reignite something we thought was gone forever. We have never felt closer!


Your questions and comments always bring out interesting aspects I had not thought of and give me ideas about how to proceed or next questions I could ask. Thanks!


Steph makes talking about a tough subject easy, she transformed our relationship from ho-hum to yay-baby, simply but helping us feel more comfortable to talk to one another!

Angela & Matt

30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

You can dive into the course for the first 30 days and begin learning how to rekindle the connection and the sex in your relationship. If you are not satisfied with the results, you can request a refund within 30 days. This entire program is designed to help you put the knowledge that you’re learning into action. You will be asked to share your implementation and results in the program to qualify for a refund.

30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

You can dive into the course for the first 30 days and begin learning how to rekindle the connection and the sex in your relationship. If you are not satisfied with the results, you can request a refund within 30 days. This entire program is designed to help you put the knowledge that you’re learning into action. You will be asked to share your implementation and results in the program to qualify for a refund.

Questions About Next Steps?

You can reach out to our team directly by clicking the button below.

Sex is too fun — and too meaningful and valuable — to have it missing from your relationship.

Especially since there’s a program that will teach you exactly how to start reigniting your desire for it right away.

If you’re ready to feel connected to your partner again — and once again feel interested and excited about your sex life…

…then A Flood of Love: Rekindling Intimacy and Becoming Connected Again was created just for you.

Sex is too fun — and too valuable — to have it missing from your relationship.

Especially since there’s a program that will teach you exactly how to start reigniting your desire for it right away.

If you’re ready to feel connected to your partner again — and once again feel interested and excited about your sex life…

A Flood of Love: Rekindling Intimacy and Becoming Connected Again

can help you rekindle the flame you once had.

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